You don’t have to be passionate about designing and it’s okay.

Richard Mann
4 min readJun 11, 2023

There is a common misconception in today’s society that in order to be successful in the design industry, you must be passionate about it. During my time in high school, I made a decision to pursue either physics or biochemistry as my passion. I immersed myself in books and articles about chemicals and mechanical devices, captivated by the concept of constructing machines and experimenting with chemicals. Science, with its interesting history, greatly appealed to me. Although my initial plan was to study biochemistry at university, I ended up pursuing graphic design instead.

Art and graphic design weren’t areas I was particularly passionate about. In fact, I ventured into design as a means of generating income while awaiting admission to study a science-related course. Designing banners, printing on various materials like shirts and stickers, and even painting shoes became my source of income. Despite not having a specific passion for it, my ability to work and perform my job remained unaffected. Initially, I thought it would be something I’d do temporarily. However, as time went on, I discovered the vast possibilities my skills held. Intrigued by this realization, I turned to YouTube to expand my knowledge, and that’s when I realized that this could be something I would love to do for a very long time, if not for the rest of my life. While passion can be a driving force for some designers, it is not a requirement for success. In fact, it is okay not to be passionate about designing, and it’s important to recognize the positivity in this.

Firstly, not being passionate about design does not mean you cannot be successful in the industry. Success can come from a variety of factors, including hard work, dedication, and skill. While passion may provide some motivation, it is not the only factor that contributes to success. Some of the most successful designers in history, such as Jonathan Ive, former chief design officer (CDO) of Apple Inc, have spoken about how they were not initially passionate about design but rather fell into it and discovered their talent and interest as they progressed in their careers. So, not feeling passionate about design initially should not hold you back from pursuing a career in the industry.

Secondly, not being passionate about design can actually be a positive thing. It allows you to approach design from a different perspective and can lead to innovative and unique solutions to design problems. When you’re not emotionally invested in a project, you can approach it with a level head and focus on finding the best solution for the client or customer, rather than trying to inject your own personal passions into the design. This can result in more effective and practical designs that meet the needs of the intended audience. Additionally, not being passionate about design can allow you to maintain a healthy work-life balance, preventing burnout and ensuring that you have time for hobbies and other interests outside of work.

Thirdly, not feeling passionate about design does not mean you cannot enjoy or appreciate it. You can still find satisfaction and enjoyment in creating designs, even if it’s not your passion. Many designers find fulfillment in seeing their designs come to life and in the positive impact they can have on the world. You can also appreciate the beauty and creativity of design without feeling a deep personal connection to it.

It’s important to note that not feeling passionate about design does not mean you should settle for a career you don’t enjoy. It’s still important to find a career that challenges and excites you, but it doesn’t have to be in the design industry specifically. There are countless career paths out there, and it’s okay if design isn’t the right fit for you. It’s better to explore different options and find a career that aligns with your interests and values, rather than forcing yourself to pursue something that doesn’t resonate with you. While it took me a long time to find my passion, some people found it very quickly. Passion is not something that falls from the sky and hits you on the head. It is something that has to be pursued, developed and cultivated over time.

In conclusion

It’s okay not to be passionate about design, and it doesn’t mean you can’t be successful or enjoy working in the industry. It’s important to recognize the positivity in this and to approach design with an open mind and a focus on finding the best solutions for clients and customers. By doing so, you can create effective and practical designs that meet the needs of the intended audience and find fulfillment in seeing your designs come to life. So, don’t feel pressured to be passionate about design, and instead focus on finding a career that aligns with your interests and values.

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Richard Mann

Experienced brand and user experience designer driven to create intuitive and seamless digital experiences that drive engagement and meet the needs of users.